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lundi, février 1 2021

Ebooks télécharger pdf gratuit Le gardien de phare (Litterature Francaise)

Le gardien de phare pan Camilla Läckberg

Ebooks télécharger pdf gratuit Le gardien de phare (Litterature Francaise)

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  • Le gardien de phare
  • Camilla Läckberg
  • Nb. de pages: 461
  • Format: Pdf, ePub, MOBI, FB2
  • ISBN: 9782330018962
  • Editeur: Actes Sud
  • Date de parution: 2013

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Par une nuit d'été, une femme se jette dans sa voiture. Les mains qu'elle pose sur le volant sont couvertes de sang. Avec son petit garçon sur le siège arrière, Annie s'enfuit vers le seul endroit où elle se sent en sécurité : la maison de vacances familiale, l'ancienne résidence du gardien de phare, sur l'île de Gràskàr, dans l'archipel de Fjällbacka. Quelques jours plus tard, un homme est assassiné dans son appartement à Fjällbacka.
Mats Sverin venait de regagner sa ville natale, après avoir travaillé plusieurs années à Göteborg dans une association d'aide aux femmes maltraitées. Il était apprécié de tous, et pourtant, quand la police de Tanumshede commence à fouiller dans son passé, elle se heurte à un mur de secrets. Bientôt, il s'avère qu'avant de mourir Mats est allé rendre une visite nocturne à Annie, son amour de jeunesse, sur l'île de Graskär - appelée par les gens du cru "l'île aux Esprits", car les morts, dit-on, ne la quittent jamais et parlent aux vivants...
Erica, quant à elle, est plus que jamais sur tous les fronts. Tout en s'occupant de ses bébés jumeaux, elle enquête sur la mort de Mats, qu'elle connaissait depuis le lycée, comme Annie. Elle s'efforce aussi de soutenir sa soeur Anna, victime, à la fin de La Sirène, d'un terrible accident de voiture aux conséquences dramatiques... Avec Le Gardien de phare, Camilla Läckberg poursuit la série policière la plus attachante du moment.

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  • Page: 240
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A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine

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  • Arkady Martine
  • Page: 464
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"A Memory Called Empire perfectly balances action and intrigue with matters of empire and identity. All around brilliant space opera, I absolutely love it."—Ann Leckie, author of Ancillary Justice Ambassador Mahit Dzmare arrives in the center of the multi-system Teixcalaanli Empire only to discover that her predecessor, the previous ambassador from their small but fiercely independent mining Station, has died. But no one will admit that his death wasn't an accident—or that Mahit might be next to die, during a time of political instability in the highest echelons of the imperial court. Now, Mahit must discover who is behind the murder, rescue herself, and save her Station from Teixcalaan's unceasing expansion—all while navigating an alien culture that is all too seductive, engaging in intrigues of her own, and hiding a deadly technological secret—one that might spell the end of her Station and her way of life—or rescue it from annihilation. A fascinating space opera debut novel, Arkady Martine's A Memory Called Empire is an interstellar mystery adventure. "The most thrilling ride ever. This book has everything I love."—Charlie Jane Anders, author of All the Birds in the Sky

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dimanche, janvier 24 2021

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  • Ryan McGinley, Ariana Reines
  • Page: 216
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  • Publisher: Rizzoli

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Ryan McGinley: Mirror Mirror by Ryan McGinley, Ariana Reines Ryan McGinley, one of the most important photographers of his generation, asks his friends and colleagues to take the camera into their own hands. Following instructions given to them by the artist, a group of individuals explore their own image. Ryan McGinley, since the earliest days of his unparalleled career, has chronicled his friends and cohorts. Whether on the now legendary annual road trips he has organized with a large coterie of twentysomethings documenting summertime exploits or documenting the early gritty years in downtown New York, McGinley is known as the consummate storyteller about freedom and abandon of youth. A few years ago, however, he wanted to challenge his creative habits and asked more than one hundred of his friends and colleagues--guided by detailed instructions and a camera given to them by the artist--to take nude self-portraits using mirrors and other props. Though related to the ubiquitous selfie, the participants didn't have the benefit of seeing the image before they clicked the shutter. Furthermore, McGinley would make the selection of the final image to represent the photo session. The experiment yielded scores of intimate and psychologically revealing photos that--even though not done by his own hand--bear some signature McGinley flourishes in their emotional depth and resonance.

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Ryan McGinley, one of the most important photographers of his generation, asks his friends and colleagues to take the camera into their own hands. Following  Ryan McGinley : Mirror, Mirror - Team Gallery
Team (gallery, inc.) is pleased to announce a show of new work by RyanMcGinley. Entitled Mirror, Mirror, the exhibition will run from 29 June through 29  Ryan McGinley's Mirror Mirror | Dazed
Youth and pop culture provocateurs since 1991. Fearless fashion, music, art, film, politics and ideas from today's bleeding edge. Declare Independence. Ryan McGinley | Carlotta (2018) | Artsy
From Team Gallery, Ryan McGinley, Carlotta (2018), C-print. In Current Show.Ryan McGinley - "Mirror, Mirror" at Team Gallery · Explore Show. Ryan McGinley - 68 Artworks, Bio & Shows on Artsy
Ryan McGinley - "Mirror, Mirror",. Team Gallery. 2016. GIVE ME YESTERDAY,. Fondazione Prada. View all. Ryan McGinley burst into prominence in his early  Ryan McGinley: Mirror Mirror: Ryan Mcginley: Books
Ryan McGinley, since the earliest days of his unparalleled career, has chronicled his friends and cohorts. Whether on the now legendary annual road trips he  The New Yorker - Ryan McGinley's series “Mirror, Mirror” | Facebook
Ryan McGinley's series “Mirror, Mirror” represents an exhilarating and contemplative new direction for an artist whose work has always been both a Ryan McGinley's Models Photograph Themselves for his Mirror
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A special collector’s edition featuring exclusive endpapers designed by Kris Anka and a behind-the-scenes look with a chapter annotated by Rainbow Rowell! Simon Snow is back and he's coming to America! The story is supposed to be over. Simon Snow did everything he was supposed to do. He beat the villain. He won the war. He even fell in love. Now comes the good part, right? Now comes the happily ever after… So why can’t Simon Snow get off the couch? What he needs, according to his best friend, is a change of scenery. He just needs to see himself in a new light… That’s how Simon and Penny and Baz end up in a vintage convertible, tearing across the American West. They find trouble, of course. (Dragons, vampires, skunk-headed things with shotguns.) And they get lost. They get so lost, they start to wonder whether they ever knew where they were headed in the first place… With Wayward Son, Rainbow Rowell has written a book for everyone who ever wondered what happened to the Chosen One after he saved the day. And a book for everyone who was ever more curious about the second kiss than the first. It’s another helping of sour cherry scones with an absolutely decadent amount of butter. Come on, Simon Snow. Your hero’s journey might be over – but your life has just begun.

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Collection of amazing one-shot drawings using only a black marker by the “Doodle King” Katsuya Terada. This is the definitive collection of Katsuya Terada’s black marker artworks, which have been displayed at his exhibitions both domestically and internationally, and of course including illustrations from his live drawing events. Containing over 150 illustrations, each work is displayed at 16% of the original to show the whole artwork, along with the original size (real size) showing part of the artwork but revealing the detail and sensitivity of Terada’s work. The variety and the scale of these works are overwhelming. One illustration was so huge it had to be put in a gate fold page in order to make sense of what the drawing might be showing. All the artworks were drawn with a black marker and in one shot without any rough drafts, an unbelievable fact that proves Terada’s exceptional talent. Detailed information for each illustration (artwork title, size, exhibition name, etc.) is listed at the back. The cover illustration was newly drawn for this book. This book uses a binding called "Codex Binding" in which the book is sewed together enabling the page spreads to be opened flat enabling Katsuya Terada's work to be seen in a complete form.

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  • Número de páginas: 400
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  • Editorial: PIRAMIDE
  • Año de edición: 2013

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Todo un mundo de sensaciones presenta un programa diario ampliamente desarrollado y estructurado para la etapa evolutiva que comprende desde el nacimiento hasta los seis meses de edad, aproximadamente. El objetivo es que, mediante el juego, los pequeños aprendan cómo convivir, compartir y encontrar placer y diversión, algo fundamental para gestionar su vida con alegría y sentido común.A medida que avances en su lectura sentirás la alegría y el entusiasmo de ir aprendiendo a contribuir a su desarrollo satisfactorio de una manera divertida y lúdica. Te enseñaremos cómo tu hijo puede conseguir la autoestima imprescindible para una vida plenamente exitosa.La sociedad va madurando y la reforma educativa se hace indispensable y se necesitaba echar una nueva mirada a los juegos de siempre.En esta nueva edición la palabra mágica es transformación. El bebé es un sabio en esta materia, lo hace con naturalidad pasando de una etapa de desarrollo a otra sin apenas darse cuenta. El niño llega a la vida lleno de promesas y de nosotros depende que pueda descubrirlas.La dilatada experiencia de trabajo en equipo de sus autoras ha hecho posible la creación de un nuevo concepto de investigación orientado hacia la prevención de problemas visuales, el desarrollo motor e intelectual y, en los últimos años, una nueva visión del desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional dentro del área de la primera infancia.Desde esta perspectiva, las autoras ofrecen a los padres, madres y profesionales una mirada nueva de los juegos y actividades expuestos en el libro incluyendo dos novedosos capítulos sobre el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional.Centran su atención en la motivación del bebé en su desarrollo evolutivo en cuanto al sentir, actuar y pensar basándose en la teoría de la inteligencia múltiple de Howard Gardner.

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  • Año de edición: 2018

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  • Número de páginas: 256
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Publicado veinticinco años después de la muerte de su autor, un libro inusual que muestra a Hemingway interesado en la relación ente vida y arte. Un joven matrimonio se ve envuelto en un peligroso triángulo erótico. A través de su protagonista masculino -escritor promisorio- Hemingway realza la peligrosa ambigüedad de los sentimientos.

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La sangre te hace pariente, pero solo la lealtad y el amor te convierten en familia.Alba y Nacho se conocen desde que eran niños. La conexión entre ellos es muy especial y aumenta con el paso de los años, hasta que ella se casa y, obligada por su marido, se distancia de él. Nacho se marcha a Londres. Allí encontrará al amor de su vida, a quien luego perderá a causa de una desconocida enfermedad. Alba, que no sabe lo mal que lo está pasando su amigo, acude a él tras su fracaso matrimonial. Su reencuentro crea una unión irrompible, pero al cabo de poco tiempo ella descubre que Nacho también está enfermo. En su afán por ayudarlo a luchar contra lo que parece inevitable, Alba conocerá a Víctor. Y lo que en un principio no son más que encuentros fortuitos, se acaba convirtiendo en un amor incondicional que le permitirá superar sus miedos e inseguridades. Esta novela hará que te cuestiones varias cosas: ¿por qué el destino es capaz de hacernos encontrar a nuestra media naranja en el peor momento de nuestra vida? ¿Por qué siempre decimos que se mueren los buenos y los malos se quedan aquí para fastidiarnos? Si quieres conocer el desenlace de esta tierna, emotiva y dura historia de amor y amistad, no te pierdas El día que el cielo se caiga...

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